I want to share with you the incredible news that my youth program W.I.L.D. has now become WILD.ECO (Wilderness Immersion for Leadership & Discovery, Inspiring & Mentoring Youth through Education, Conservation & Opportunities) and has taken residence online at the web address www.wild.eco.

To mark our new beginnings, acclaimed architect Michael Green, Internationally known documentary filmmaker Sharad Khare and Vancouver Power figure Praveen Varshney from Varshney Capital are hosting our Spring fundraising on May 28 in Vancouver. Our goal for the evening will be to raise the necessary funds to send up to 7 under privileged teenagers to a month-long wilderness immersion N.O.L.S. camp in Yukon this summer. Learn how to attend and support by clicking here.


.ECO is more than a top-level domain name. These 3 letters, either grouped together or each on their own, clearly express what we stand for, the values we operate under and the pillars of our program.

What does ECO stands for us?

By itself, the prefix or word ECO lays the foundation on how we see our lives evolving. The human species is a child of nature. We are part of a web of life that expend way beyond our understanding. We depend on the natural world for our survival and well-being, it is for that reason that we must respect and honor our relationship with the planet and all the creatures that inhabit it.

The acronym E.C.O. defines our program strategy. We believe that Education, Conservation and Opportunities create a roadmap for the youth that guarantees a life that is fulfilling and productive, not only for the individual, but also for the community and planet.

What is an .ECO domain name?

How this domain name came to be won and registered tells the story of a world that is based on the power of communities and commitment to sustainability. It is more than a badge of beliefs, rather it is a desire to stand amongst peers that hold each other responsible, committed to a world that empowers the soul, body and mind of the human species and its relationship with the natural world.

BIG ROOM, from Vancouver in Canada, is the registry for the domain. The company won the rights through a community application after assembling a coalition of more than 50 environmental organizations. The registry is advised by a council of these organizations for “any business, government, non-profit or individual working toward a sustainable future” Read more here.

Take a moment to watch Kedyn Sierra (one of my first Scholarship Recipients) video:

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